What is the healing process like after rhinoplasty

There are many factors that determine the healing process after a nose surgery such as the utilised techniques, performed interventions, severity of the case, thickness of the skin and healing ability of your body. Revision cases and thick skinned patients require longer time for the healing comparing to the primary cases and thin skinned patients regardless of the type of the surgery. In order to avoid any kind of dissappointments before undergoing a rhinoplasty one should make a good research, fully understand and realise that achieving the final results requires a certain amount of time.

How long is the healing process after Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty

As the Closed Atraumatic Technique is the least invasive way of reshaping the nose, patients operated by Assoc.Prof.Dr.SuleymanTAS don’t have bruising but the minimal swelling on the 7th day after the surgery and presentable enough to socialize and resume their daily lives. Midterm results can be achieved after 2 months, as for the final results it takes at least one year depending on the patients healing ability and thickness of the skin. This time frame is significantly more with the open technique and may require up to 3 years. Thick skin recovery requires patience from the patients as it takes longer time. You may understand it better with this example: a thick type of skin is like a big sponge that absorbs more liquid, therefore needs more time to become completely dry rather than the thin sponge.

How can the recovery process be optimized?

First of all, the patient needs to follow precisely all post op recommendations provided by his/her doctor in order to achieve the best possible results and make sure to attend the follow up appointments. Special massage techniques developed by Assoc.Prof.Dr.Suleyman TAS stimulate the lymphatic points on the nose and accelarate the swelling reduction. As the skin gets oily after the surgery it is important to have an intensive skin care. Excessive sebum may cause blackheads and acne problem on the skin which will delay the reduction of the swellings. Healthy lifestyle, protein rich nutrition, avoiding any kind of injuries and certainly positive thinking play important roles in the proper recovery process.

What is the psychological aspect of the healing process like? 

As I have mentioned above undergoing a rhinoplasty should be a well-considered decision. One should understand that rhinoplasty causes major changes not only on the nose, but will affect the whole face, therefore need to choose a right time and a right surgeon after being informed about all consequent results. The recovery will be smoother and easier when you keep living daily lives without paying more attention to your nose than before. Furthermore, realising that the whole changes during the recovery process are temporary will get you rid of the unnecessary concerns. In summary, the positive thinking and good mood have positive impacts on the healing process.




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