Closed Atraumatic Rh inoplasty Which technique to choose Open vs Closed ? According to the ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) annual reports, rhinoplasty surgery, commonly known as the nose job, became one of the most preferred aesthetic surgeries in the world. It is a very complex surgery due to dealing with the calculations in millimeters. There are two main techniques in rhinoplasty, open and closed technique. Open technique requires an incision on the tip of the nose, as for closed technique whole interventions are performed through the internal incisions in the nose. No matter wh ich techn ique you choose first need to pay attention to the surgeons’ expertise. There are various discussions regarding a choice between the techniques, briefly we can say that the Open technique is well-marketed and widely used among the plastic surgeons, on the other hand the Closed technique is much more difficult and requires a very fine workmanship and ...